Sponsoring Lodge : James A. Smith No. 395
Date: September 27,2023
Location: Farmers Branch, Texas
The September Stated Meeting was held at James A. Smith #3958. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30pm with prayer and pledges. President David Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced Worshipful Master of James A. Smith, Brother John Bowsher who introduced his officers and members of James A. Smith in attendance.
President Bindel took charge of the meeting and conducted business. Brother Secretary made a motion to accept July’s minutes as posted. Motion passed. The treasurer’s report was given, and a motion was made to accept it and pay all upcoming bills, Motion passed. With no new or old business to tend to
Brother Dheeraj Chand of Austin #12, was introduced by President Bindel. Brother Chand’s presentation was entitled “None of the above”. Brother Chand typically speaks with senators & congressman, he was excited to be in the presence of 3 digit I.Q. persons for a change. He spoke on the none’s, those who are not affiliated with a religion. Brother Chand ended his presentation with the Fellowcraft charge and then continued taking questions. The q&a session was very insightful, and the members present were extremely engaged.
Brother Rutherford mentioned the MWSA meeting will be at TMRC where we will hear from the Candidates on October 25th.
There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with prayer.