The Meeting of April 24, 2019 was held at Mesquite Lodge
Open at 7:30 pm
1. Opening Prayer – (KM)
2. Welcome from President – (KW)
3. Pledges to American and Texas Flags – (KW)
4. Introduction of Host Lodge – (KW)
5. Introduction of Officers – (KW)
6. Introduction of Past Presidents and Dignitaries – (JH)
7. Program – Lodge Education presented by Brother David Bindel
8. Minutes to be approved
a. Motion made by Scott Hill to approve as posted, Seconded by Jeff Haven, Motion Carried
9. Treasurers Report
a. Read by Brother Robert DeLuna, Motion made by RD to pay bills as they come due, Motion seconded by JH, motion carried
10. Old Business
a. Introduction of Brothers making themselves available for the MWSA line b. Reminder about Scotch Tasting
11. New Business
a. Motion
12. Sickness and Distress
13. Announcements from the floor
14. Calendar
a. Scotch Tasting tomorrow evening b. MWSA Elections and Installation – Knox Corinthian July 31
15. Closing Prayer – (KM)