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Minutes April 24, 2024


Sponsoring Lodge: Tannehill Lodge No. 52


Location: Dallas, Texas


The April Stated Meeting was held at Tannehill Lodge No. 52. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30 with prayer and pledges. President David Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced the MWSA. Brother Vice President Rodger Landry then introduced dignitaries. A delicious meal was provided by Tannehill Lodge No. 52.

Brother Secretary made a motion to approve the minutes as posted seconded by Brother Landry. Motion approved.

Brother President thanked Tannehill Lodge for hosting and Brother Scott Hill introduced the members and officers present. He announced January 25th, 2025, they will be hosting their 175th anniversary.

Brother Treasurer gave the Treasurers report.

Brother Alston mentioned going to Fort Worth Lodge No. 148’s May stated meeting May 13th the second Monday. It will be a “surprise” visit. (this is why the minutes are late this month. It’s all Seth’s fault!)

The 13th district MWSA will be having their stated meeting Saturday April 27th.

With no old or new business to bring forward before the MWSA, Brother President gave the floor to Right Worshipful Brad Billings. He knows everything there is to know about the Grand Secretary’s office. He said the Grand Secretary’s office is not the legal office of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Brother Dave McHam is the Office manager and Brother Jeffory Frayser is helping with the out of state affiliations. Right Worshipful Billings then took questions from the audience.

Brother President mentioned next month’s MWSA meeting will be at Richardson Lodge.

Brother chaplain gave the closing prayer. With nothing further Brother President closed the meeting.

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