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Minutes October 28th, 2020

October Stated Meeting – Held at Arlington Lodge #438, October 28th, 2020

On Wednesday, October 28, 2020 we held our annual joint 14th and 64th District Master, Wards, and Secretaries meeting at Arlington Lodge #438. This was joint meeting was held for the Candidate Forum for those brothers who have made themselves available for the office of Grand Junior Warden in January.

The 64th District MWSA Officers are Greg Wright-President; Zachary Haston-Vice President; Joseph Scholari-Secretary; and Jeremy Gwinn-Treasurer.

This year, the 64th District hosted. A meal was provided for before the meeting by the Arlington Assembly #96 Rainbow Girls. A special thank you to these young ladies for providing such a fine meal.

The meeting was opened at 7:30pm with Opening Remarks by 64th District Vice President Zachary Haston. After prayer and pledges to our nation’s and state’s flags, Officers, Past Presidents, and other Masonic Dignitaries were introduced. 65 people were physically present with another 30 people present online.

Vice President Haston then introduced and played moderator to the 4 candidates who were making themselves available for the office of Grand Junior Warden. These brothers are: Joseph R. Barron, H. Bart Henderson, George D. Moxley, and Brad A. Reel. Miscellaneous questions were asked the candidates and each gave varying responses.

After the grilling of the candidates, two brothers were introduced who had made themselves available for the office of Grand Secretary. These brothers were: Jason P. Coffelt and Richard E. Schlaudroff. Both gave a brief introduction and thanked everyone for their support.

14th District President Scott Hill entertained a brief business section of the meeting in which Brother Harold Column motioned that we donate $200 to the Arlington Assembly of Rainbow Girls. This motion was seconded by Ken Cochran and was carried.

After a closing prayer, the meeting was closed at 8:50pm.

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