Date: October 25, 2023
Location Arlington, Texas
The October Stated Meeting was held at Texas Masonic Retirement Center. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30pm with prayer and pledges. Vice President Roger Landry welcomed everyone and introduced the MWSA officers then turned it over to the 64th President to introduce his officers. Vice President Landry then introduced dignitaries.
Vice President Landry took charge of the meeting and conducted business. Brother Secretary made a motion to accept September’s minutes as posted. Motion passed. The treasurer’s report was given, and a motion was made to accept it and pay all upcoming bills, motion passed. With no new or old business to tend to Vice President Landry turned it over to Past President Seth Alston who would be the moderator for the Candidate forum for the elections for Grand Junior Warden and Grand Secretary.
Brother Alston had an array of questions for the brethren who made themselves available for the Grand South which were Kevin Binder, Right Worshipful Justin Duty, Chip Green, George Moxley, & John Wilkerson, & The Grand Secretary office were Right Worshipful Brad Billings, Jason Coffelt, & Richard Daniel. Brother Mark Dieckmann was unable to attend do to a prior commitment. Brother Alston’s questions covered the candidates History, Leadership style and their vision.
There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with prayer.