Sponsoring Lodge : Pentagon Masonic Lodge
Date: Aug 31st, 2022
Location: Scottish Rite Cathedral, Dallas Texas
President Seth Alston opened the August monthly meeting at 7:30 PM. He
thanked everyone for joining us and had all rise for a prayer. R:.W:.
Chris Livingston gave an invocation followed by pledges to our country
and state flags.
Bro. President then introduced his current Officers with Bro.
Ambassador, George Rutherford once again receiving an abnormal amount of
applause. He then thanked the sponsoring Lodge, Trinity Valley Lodge
for hosting the event, he then introduced their W:. M:., who then
introduced his Officers and were thanked for the wonderful meal that was
served. Bro. Vice President David Bindel then introduced Past MWSA
Presidents, District Instructors, DDGM’s our Grand Junior Stewart, W:.
Kevin Binder and finally our Grand Orator R:. W:. Chris Livingston.
A motion was made to accept the previous months minutes as posted.
Motion passed
The treasurers report was postponed until Sept to allow Bro Weston time
to setup his new access the account. A motion was made to pay all
upcoming bills, Motion passed.
Bro. President then introduced our guest for the evening, R:.W:. Aaron
Tyksinski who graciously traveled up from Houston Texas. Dr. Tyksinski
received a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, Ph.D. in Public Safety
Management and Studied at the Police Science Center at the FBI National
Academy to name just a few.
The Brother then gave an outstanding presentation on the historic,
present and future expectations on where we are headed with active
shooter events plaguing this country.
He talked in great detail of the impact they have on our communities,
statistics on occurrences, and more importantly, how we can recognize
the risk factors, and prepare ourselves and our Lodges for this growing
He encouraged us all to conduct security assessments of our homes,
workplaces and Lodges. To know the infrastructures we frequent and to
develop plans to be prepared.
Bro. President then thanked our guest speaker and followed up with
questions and answers form those in attendance.
It was announced that the September monthly meeting would be held at the
Carrollton Masonic Lodge No. 1400 in Carrollton Texas on Sept 28th.
There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with
a prayer from R:.W:. Livingston and continued our fellowship next door
at the Green Door Restaurant.