Sponsoring Lodge : Hillcrest Lodge #1318
Date: August 30,2023
Location: Dallas, Texas
The August Stated Meeting was held at Hillcrest Lodge #1318. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30pm with prayer and pledges. President David Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced the Worshipful Master of Hillcrest, Brother Grady Smart. Worshipful Master Smart Graciously welcomed the 14th MWSA and introduced his officers that were present and had the members of Hillcrest in attendance stand as well.
President Bindel then took the helm and conducted the meeting. Brother Secretary made a motion to accept July’s minutes as posted. Motion passed. The treasurer’s report was given, and a motion was made to accept it and pay all upcoming bills, Motion passed. With no new or old business to tend to President Bindel handed the floor over to Brother Zachary Haston.
Brother Haston gave a graphtastic presentation showcasing graphs and charts with multiple data points from lodge retention rates to age ranges of membership to the distance members lived from their home lodge. He of course saved the most accurate chart for last. His Pie Chart which no-one dare challenge the accuracy of.
It was announced that the September monthly meeting would be held at James A. Smith Lodge on September 27th.
There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with prayer and continued fellowship at Tap and Tavern.