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Minutes September 28, 2022

Sponsoring Lodge : Carrollton Masonic Lodge No. 1400

Date: Sept 28th, 2022

Location: Carrollton, Texas

Vice President David Bindel opened the September monthly meeting at 7:30 PM. He thanked everyone for joining us. He stated that Bro. President Seth Alston needed to catch a flight to Georgia for a family event and would not be able to join us this evening.

Bro. Bindel had all rise for a prayer. P.M. Rabih Asmar gave an invocation and Bro. Bindel led all in the pledges to our Country and State flags.

Bro. Vice President then introduced the current Officers to include Bro. George Rutherford. Once the applause finally ended, he then thanked the sponsoring Lodge, Carrollton Lodge for hosting the event.

He then introduced their W:. M:. Kerr Morton, who then introduced his Officers and were thanked for the wonderful meal that was served. Bro. Secretary then introduced Past MWSA Presidents, District Instructors, DDGM’s and our Grand Orator R:. W:. Chris Livingston.

A motion was made to accept the previous months minutes as posted. Motion passed. The treasurer’s report was given by Bro Treasurer Robert Weston and reported a checking account balance of $3817.03 on hand. A motion was made to pay all upcoming bills, Motion passed.

Bro. Vice President Bindel then conducted a presentation titled “2033, Where we are going?”

He presented numerous items about how we can attract good men to our fraternity and to consider many things when doing so including their initial visit to the lodge their preparation for their degrees some true benefits that are bestowed upon us as Mason’s that we seldom realize. The program was well received by the audience.

Those present then thanked our guest speaker and followed up with questions and answers.

It was announced that the October monthly meeting would be held at the Texas Masonic Retirement Center on October 26Th with the 64th Dist MWSA.

There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with a prayer from PM Rabih Asmar at 8:32 pm.

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