The Meeting of January 30, 2019 was held at Tannehill Masonic Lodge No. 52
Open at 7:45 pm
1. Opening Prayer – (KM)
2. Welcome from President – (KW)
3. Pledges to American and Texas Flags – (KW)
4. Introduction of Officers – (KW)
5. Introduction of Past Presidents and Dignitaries – (JH)
6. Program – Introduction of 14th District DDGMs
a. All District 14 DDGMs were in attendance and introduced themselves to the Brothers and guests in attendance
7. Video presentation from J.J. Abrams regarding mystery and discussion to follow regarding keeping the mystery in Freemasonry.
8. Announcements from the floor
9. Brother Secretary moved that we approve the posted minutes
a. Seconded by Robert DeLuna
b. Motion Carried
10. Treasurers Report and Claims & Accounts (RD)
a. Brother DeLuna moved that we approve the report and pay all upcoming bills.
b. Seconded by Brother Scott Hill
c. Motion Carried
11. Old Business
a. None to Report
12. New Business
a. None to Report
13. Closing Prayer – (KM)
14. Closed at 9:35