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Writer's pictureScott G. Hill

2017 14th MWSA Grand Master’s Banquet

The 14th MWSA once again through the Grand Master’s Banquet at Hella Shrine. The event was very well attended by Brethren from Districts far and wide.

After the initial reception, Brother President Thompson called the room to order, thanked everyone for coming out, and started the benediction and the pledges to the flags.

We then shared in fellowship over a wonderful meal provided by the Hella Shrine. During dinner we recognized the Past Presidents of the MWSA, Dignitaries, current DDGM’s, Grand Lodge Officers, and finally the Grand Master.

After Dinner Brother Vice President, Chris Livingston shared an inspirational video presentation on servant leadership, and then talked about the importance of servant leadership in Masonry. Brother Secretary, Kyle Wahlquist, then gave a quick 5 minute synopsis of his MWSA presentation on Masonry and Technology, showing that in order to “get back out in the community” Lodge’s must get online.

After that, Grand Master Kirby presented lapel pins to the newest raised Master Mason in the room, as well as giving one to the newest EA (only after warning him he cannot wear it until after he has been raised.) Next, DDGM Kurt Joye presented the Grand Master with a Masonic beer stein, which was well received. This was followed by the MWSA, led by Brother President, presenting the Grand Master with his ladies gift. Unfortunately she could not be there to receive it, but he was told it was a crystal dove with a rose, and he assured everyone she would love it.

The MWSA then presented Grand Master Kirby with his gift for the year, which as tradition prevailed, was his Grand Master’s apron case. The case had his insignia on one side, and his name and office on the other. Many commented on the beauty and craftsmanship of the item.

Grand Master Kirby then gave a few remarks to the audience about Masonry, and how it has impacted him. He thanked everyone for attending and took his seat.

Brother President closed the meeting with prayer from the Chaplain, and then photos were taken with the Grand Master, the Past Presidents of the MWSA in attendance, the DDGMs, and the Grand Lodge officers.

It was a great evening, enjoyed by all.

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