Join us September 25th
at Hillcrest Masonic Lodge No. 1318
8525 Midway Rd., Dallas, TX
Wear Your
Brimmed Hat Night
Great Masonic
Along with some
Serving The Masons of Dallas County
The 14th MWSA is an organization composed of dedicated Past Masters of the current 42 Masonic Lodges in the 14th Masonic Districts of the Grand Lodge of Texas. We are dedicated to serving our Lodges and mentoring the Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries within them. We are also proud to be one of the largest MWS Associations in the State of Texas with a distinguished and honorable history of service to the fraternity of Freemasonry.
If you are a Mason in one of the 14th Districts, we ask you to join in our efforts as we try to spread light to all. All Masons are welcome at our monthly meetings! Please make it a point to attend the meetings and participate in the events we have planned for the year.
If you are a Mason who is a member in another State or another part of the State of Texas, we welcome you and hope that your visit here will stimulate your own interest in Masonry. Masonry is growing in Texas and in the 14th Districts. We invite you to join that exciting growth. If you are going to be in the Dallas area soon, please visit our consolidated calendar of all of the Masonic events of the Dallas County Area and try to attend a local Lodge during your visit.